A dental call tracking audit revealed that, on average, over one-third of all phone calls received by a dental office go to voicemail or are unanswered. Even more astounding? About 75% of those callers never called back.
Can you imagine the missed opportunities and what your practice would be like if someone answered all those calls?
That’s where notifyMD® comes in.
As a HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST certified dental answering service with over three decades of experience, you can count on our professional team to answer any patients’ or potential patients’ questions according to your policy and procedures. Not only are our dental answering service operators knowledgeable, but they’re also patient and kind, the virtual receptionists you didn’t know you were looking for until you found them.
At notifyMD®, we answer your phones 24/7. Instead of patients receiving a “Please hold” when a busy administrator answers the phone during a midday office rush, they get a friendly “How can I help you?” When someone calls expecting to leave a voice message in the evening, hoping someone will call them back first thing in the morning, they get a live person asking how they can assist them.
To optimize communication and the patient experience, our professional dental answering services include scheduling appointments, capture prescription refill requests, and contacting the on-call practitioner. Protocols and messages are customized based on your office’s practices, procedures, and impressions, making them uniquely your own. Our receptionists become an off-site version of your staff.
Additional services include proactive patient outreach, secure HIPAA-compliant messaging, and automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) using pre-recorded voice prompts to let patients get answers to commonly asked questions.
The best practices for managing calls at your office include ensuring 24/7 support, integration with practice management systems, and appropriate call routing. This seamless integration allows for direct appointment scheduling and inputting of all patient information.
As the first HITRUST Certified dental office answering service, you can count on your patient’s data to remain secure and private.
Trained virtual operators greet callers with the same professionalism and tone as your administrators, creating the impression that the caller has reached your office. This is a far different experience than the call answering services you may have experienced, marked by monotone or even rude replies.
When people think of a dental answering service, they often consider the benefits of after-hours when the rest of the staff has gone home. However, some of the most significant benefits occur during the daytime and peak hours, when most callers can expect to be put on hold or get a busy signal.
From when they call to when they leave your office and receive a follow-up call, the patient experience creates a lasting impression. Imagine their surprise and delight when they realize a real person will answer their phone call every time.
One survey found that 92% of dentists believe word-of-mouth is their best source for new patients. When you do your magic, and we do ours, the great experience translates to increased referrals.
Our virtual receptionists are extensively trained to provide the best experience for you, your patients, and your staff. This training includes understanding your procedures for emergency call handling and gathering all necessary information, such as name, contact number, and insurance details. Our virtual receptionist app puts you in control 24/7, enabling you to manage your receptionist service and business effortlessly.
At notifyMD®, we ensure every call is handled with professionalism, patience, and compassion. Whether scheduling an appointment, answering questions, or providing suggestions, each operator acts as an extension of your office and brand and at a much lower price than a full-time onsite receptionist.
The difference is that our receptionists answer calls 24/7, including holidays and weekends.
In addition to answering questions, taking messages, and scheduling appointments, our teams offer triage services, secure messaging, patient outreach, and automated interactive voice response solutions. These solutions direct callers and answer simple questions, providing them with the sought-after information.